TDR Turbo reeds


TDR works with the material manufacturer to get the perfect combination of tension & long reed life.  There are hundreds of different material combinations that can be used for reed material. Only a handfull of these laminates will perform & live a long life.  The balance of cloth weaves, weave directions, resin types, & resin saturation levels control the overall performance of the reed valve & engine performance. This balance takes years & thousands of dollars in testing & research. We have perfected both the material & cutting process over time to give the customer the best product available today. Below is a detailed description of all the reed material construction, cutting, and testing.

Cloth Weaves: The cloth weaves & the angle in which they are laid control the tension of the reed petal.The amount of threads per inch do 2 things:

1.Control the tension of the reed. A thinner, closer weave cloth has less tension. A coarser weave weave has a stiffer tension. A different angle of laying the cloth will also change the tension.

2.Control the life span of the reed. A finer weave cloth affects the length of time the reed will last. The finer cloth acts as a barrier for sealing of the thicker inner cloth that is the structual core. This coarser weave is the tension control and the thinner weave is the sealer ply. We use multiple layers to get the desired results.


Guaranteed Safe Checkout

This is a Complete kit for both reed cages on the specified engine.

Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 6 × 6 in

Skidoo 800/850, Polaris 800 Pro, Arctic Cat 800


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